Saturday, March 28, 2020

Getting Your Education At The San Francisco State University

Getting Your Education At The San Francisco State UniversityIf you're ready to get your education and you're not sure how to begin, the San Francisco State University is just the place for you. There are many different places to attend college, but this is one of the better ones that have an excellent reputation and has a nice campus with modern buildings.The schools at San Francisco are among the top five in the country. This is a great school for students who want to get their education and they are some of the most selective colleges to attend. With all of the different types of classes offered, students will find the educational experience great.In order to apply for a place at the San Francisco State University, students must be prepared to have a great GPA. In order to do this, they need to take some courses outside of the classroom that will help them improve their grades. The more time they spend outside of the classroom, the better they will do. Students can also choose from many different electives that are required for graduation.In order to get your education at the San Francisco State University, students will need to be prepared for a full four years of study. This will consist of four years of college, two years of high school, and then two years of community college.In order to get the credits necessary to graduate from the university, students will need to attend either the on-campus or the community college, classes. The on-campus classes will be done in the evening and the classes will last from eight to eight hundred hours.When students start college at the community college, they will have to take classes over a two-year period. The community college classes are taught in the evenings and will last from three hundred to four hundred hours. This is enough to complete the entire course requirements to earn a degree.Students that want to get their education at the San Francisco State University can find a variety of different opportunities to take classes and earn a degree. The entire program is designed to be flexible, which means that students can change their schedules according to their interests.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Four Things To Do After You Fail An Exam - TutorNerds

Four Things To Do After You Fail An Exam - TutorNerds Four Things to do After You Fail a Test Four Things to do After You Fail a Test Failure is something students must learn to deal with. No matter how diligent you are with your classwork and study sessions, there will be some coursework in which you struggle to master. It’s natural and part of being a student. Sadly, too many students lose confidence after failing a test and fall further behind. Don’t panic! TutorNerds is here to help make sure you ace your next exam. To make sure you don’t fall even further behind, here are four things to do after you fail an exam. 1. Be Honest With Yourself Everyone reacts to a failed exam differently, but the worst thing you can do is lie to yourself. If you understood the material, you would not have failed. Instead of being stubborn and blaming the performance on extraneous things, take responsibility and commit to improving. 2. Get Help From a Tutor While we encourage you to get help from a tutor before you fail an exam, some extra help from an expert can help ensure you score high on your next test. Further, if you are going to face the material on the final, a private tutor can help you catch up without you falling behind on the new content you are learning in class. Tutors can help boost your confidence and show your teacher that you are serious about improving and passing their class (READ: Get Your Elementary School Kid Ready for Back-to-School With These Tips). 3.   Make a Plan So you failed your exam. That’s tough, but it might not mean you failed the class. Take a look at your syllabus and factor in your grades before the exam and look to see how many points are still available. If you are in danger of failing, talk with your teacher to see if you can have some leniency if you improve a lot on the next exam. Find out what you need to get on your upcoming exams before giving up on the class. Usually, teachers weigh each exam so that you have breathing room to do poorly on at least one of them. 4. Celebrate Small Victories Even if it’s just a quick pop quiz or a homework assignment, if you bounce back after a failed exam then that’s reason to celebrate. As we mentioned before, too many students convince themselves that a failed exam means they will never succeed in the class. This is simply not true, and you have time to work on the material you struggled with before your final. Don’t wait until you fail your first exam to book a private Los Angeles tutor from TutorNerds. Our private LA tutors are here to help you succeed and catch up after a poor test performance. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

International Sunshine Home

International Sunshine Home International Sunshine Home International Sunshine Home is Xiamens premier bilingual school for younger children. Opened in 2010, Sunshine Home has grown from three classes to 30+ classrooms covering students between 1.5 years and 8 years of age. One of the schools strengths is that it combines the insights and approaches of educators from the United States and China. The organization has a robust curriculum and teaching approach that relies on a Western approach -- positive reinforcement, emphasis on creativity and small class sizes. At the same time, the local and foreign teachers are careful to respects and celebrate both Chinese and Western cultures. Sunshine Home focuses extensively on language development and core science skills. Students and staff use English and Chinese both in class and in their daily work, creating an immersive language environment. Native-language instructors teach Chinese and English classes. With at least three staff members for each class of 18 students, the school uses a low teacher-student ratio to tailor each class to the needs of the students and to increase classroom safety. The schools curriculum includes three-week subject blocks that build over time and that are periodically reinforced. Popular themes include Animals, Family and Friends, and Outer Space. The subject matter is age-appropriate so that while students under the age of three are learning basic words like the sun, older students in the Elementary classroom are exploring the life cycle of a star. The main teaching methods include structured game play, music and dance, independent study, group story time and play-based activities. Unlike traditional local schools, the staff avoids group recitation, call-and-response and formal lecturing methods. Students are not assigned homework. Students are divided into groups by English level rather than age. Sunshine Home uses English levels to organize its students because mixed-age classrooms mirror the natural learning method of children, which includes learning both from parents and from their brothers and sisters. Younger students look up to, learn from and aspire to be like their older classmates. Older students earn the confidence that comes from demonstrating subject mastery, teaching what they know and being the object of affection and admiration. With students from more than a dozen countries including China, England, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S., Sunshine Home is experienced in addressing the needs of international families. View our Brochure View our Brochure

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Busses, Fakes and Hurricanes, Oh My!

Busses, Fakes and Hurricanes, Oh My! Image from: On Monday, the anticipated Republican National Convention is scheduled to begin in Tampa. Preparation for the event has lasted the better part of a year, and between the city planners, political organizers, and countless staff, the Convention is certain to be a public blowout not seen locally in recent memory. Secret Service, police officers and the brave men and women serving in the United States military have also been busy doing everything in their power to ensure that the Convention goes off without a hitch, but even their thorough efforts may not be enough, and several possible scenarios exist that could rain havoc on Romney’s grandiose parade. Stolen Buses Source: This past Monday, a local elementary school reported two school buses missing and are presumed stolen (the official police report described the buses as an orange-ish yellow). Police claim that the buses were spotted headed north on I-75, and they believe the buses to be in either Pasco or Marion County, but they have been unable to recover them. Every report on these buses to date has ended on one particularly questionable note: that “officials say they dont believe the thefts are related to the upcoming Republican National Convention.” Any official that refuses to consider the possibility that two school bus thefts are unrelated to the Republican National Convention is simply thick headed, so that raises the question: are the officials thickheaded, or is the official statement supposed to deflect a public panic? School buses are built for durability and strength. They are effectively bricks on wheels designed to protect the children inside from any crash, collision or assault. In the wrong hands, school buses could be re-purposed to protect the very type of criminals that the buses were built to protect children from. The sturdy nature of a school bus would allow it to plow through barriers, squad cars, and maybe even concrete roadblocks to carry an assault team of disgruntled activists to the steps of the convention center. Possibly even more explosive is the possibility of using a school bus as a guided missile. The gas tank on a school bus is massive, and can carry large amounts of flammable diesel fuel. That fuel could spark a tragic end to the Convention as the bus is turned into an iron fireball aimed at the heart of downtown Tampa. Such an attack would be so swift that police responders would have little time to prevent the inevitable and catastrophic damage.  This scenario is possible, but is certainly unlikely. If the recovery of the school buses is a priority, our public defenders will find a way to get it done. If the Tampa Police Department and the National Guard are vigilant, it is highly unlikely that those yellow time bombs will make it past the first perimeter. It is something to think about though. Why else would someone steal a school bus, of all vehicles? Fake Military IDs A few weeks ago, a man was arrested after a traffic stop for driving without a license. At the police station, an officer discovered that the man’s military ID card was a fake, which prompted a further investigation and culminated in the seizure of over fifty fake IDs and several boxes of assault rifle ammunition from the man’s home. While the vast majority of the fake IDs were historical replica, and the man did not own an assault rifle, the more recent fakes are eyebrow raisers. The man’s car was outfitted with a coast guard issue license plate, and coast guard uniforms and fake ID badges were found as well. He even had a homeland security sticker on the windshield. All of this begs the question: who was this man? No one keeps a collection like that for no reason. It is possible this man was a historian, and just had a penchant for grafting military memorabilia; however, the assault rifle ammo together with the fake IDs paints a different picture. If this man had wanted to do so, he could have walked in military uniform right through several RNC checkpoints without anyone batting an eye. The fact that he owned several boxes of assault rifle ammo is particularly troubling. Perhaps he was simply a middle man who manufactured IDs and acquired ammunition and had planned to hand everything over to other men with more nefarious purposes. All of this is of course speculation, and a moot point, as the man is in custody, and his fakes have been seized. Hurricane Isaac Source: If armed militia groups, will not be responsible for putting a dampener on the RNC, a hurricane might. Disaster planners and FEMA have been preparing for a convention hurricane for the past year, and contingency plans are surely in place for massive evacuations, therefore there is likely no immediate danger to anyone planning to attend the convention. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn also played down the possibility of Isaac drowning out the convention, saying that no one should lose any sleep over the hurricane because Floridians are accustomed to these types of storms, and that the event would be held. While this may be the case, the most recent storm trackers place Tampa right at the head of what could turn into a major hurricane. The Bay of Tampa is such that even a mild storm surge would flood downtown and the Hillsborough and put the convention center several inches deep in water. While Mitt Romney likely wants to get his feet wet as the Republican presidential candidate, he surely has other, less literal plans to do so. There is also the possibility that the convention could be delayed by several days due to the hurricane. This would be a minor speed bump on the Romney campaign’s road to the White House, but it would be potentially embarrassing for the Republican Party to have chosen to hold the RNC in Tampa at the height of hurricane season. And also, with tropical storm Joyce barreling across the Atlantic, a minor delay of a week or two could have the same result as before. Regardless of the outcome, there is surely some finger pointing and perhaps a few “I told you so’s” flying around the Republican Party leaders as they contemplate delays in their schedule, while their Democratic opponent will remain dry in South Carolina.

Composition of Functions - A Simple Guide to Using a Composition of Functions Chemistry Tutor

Composition of Functions - A Simple Guide to Using a Composition of Functions Chemistry TutorChemistry is not only a subject that the child can study at school. At this point in time, you are surely going to see your child doing more research on a particular topic. This is because there are actually some chemistry tutors who are paid to do just that and there are others who make their living this way.It's true that at this point in time, it's mostly moms who are working and caring for their kids. However, there are many men out there who find it worth spending time every day with their sons and daughters just to improve their child's performance. This is usually a costly activity and most moms cannot afford to get involved in it.However, there is a solution to that, and it's actually found online and through the help of a computer and an internet connection. The application that you are using today is a composition of functions chemistry tutor that is specially created to assist stud ents in learning. These applications are actually online, so they are completely safe to use.There are actually several chemical formulas out there which contain molecules. These chemicals are used in all the different processes of science, medicine, industry, and just about everything else. That's why there are many chemistry tutors out there to assist people who need help in making sure that they are using the correct chemical formulas.If you are willing to learn how to use this composition of functions chemistry tutor, then it's okay. However, if you aren't sure where to start or you are hesitant to use such a powerful computer program, then you will have to take the time to figure out exactly what to do and where to get help from. Learning how to use a computer is not as hard as it seems.In fact, if you are prepared to spend sometime doing your entire chemistry project, then you could take advantage of the whole internet. You would need to find a website which allows you to down load this particular composition of functions chemistry tutor. Then, you will just have to create an account on the website, register, and then you will be ready to go.Then, you would just have to follow the steps that are presented to you to help you learn how to read basic formulas for creating substances that are used by all kinds of individuals. There are dozens of websites out there that allow users to view the history of formulas and they also show other sites that will enable you to learn more about the chemistry language. These are really beneficial tools that can help you as a parent in making sure that your kids are learning and developing a good, solid foundation for science and chemistry at school.

Ascendance Tutoring - A Primer

Ascendance Tutoring - A PrimerAscension Tutoring is a high paying business venture for those who are looking to expand their business horizons and help others achieve success. The field of ASC has many benefits for those who decide to take on this venture.The first benefit is that ASC allows individuals the opportunity to learn certain business strategies and techniques that they may not have been exposed to in their studies. For example, in an educational setting the individual will be able to practice good management skills and good decision making as they try to plan out their business ventures. When working with others, it can also allow the person to learn how to get along and understand other people when they are in different environments.On the other hand, these classes can also provide benefits for those who are already in an educational field. If you have been in business and really want to break into it or even take the business world by storm, this can be a great choice. T his way you will be able to get a good overview of how business operates in general and also what it takes to make it successful.Another benefit of taking ASC classes is that most ASC students have had training in some aspect of their business. Usually they have worked in some sort of industry, so they are familiar with how to run a business. This is a great advantage for anyone who decides to take up the trade and get started with business success.There are a lot of advantages for those who take an ASC class in an educational environment. At the very least they are exposed to business strategies and tips from the professionals and instructors. At the very best they can practice management and decision making skills that they may have forgotten about and in fact will become extremely valuable when starting a business of their own.One last benefit of ASC is that you will have the opportunity to meet other students in your field as well. In fact, most of the employees of ASC are frien ds and associates of the students themselves and many come together for the sole purpose of giving advice and helping each other out when it comes to business decisions.So, as you can see the advantages of getting your classes from ASC are truly numerous. You will be able to gain a solid foundation in your chosen field and gain valuable information that can benefit your own business.

How to Make the Most of College Rankings

How to Make the Most of College Rankings The following piece was written by Kofi Kankam. Kofi has been featured in ourAdmissions Expert seriesand is a former admissions interviewer for The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the co-founder of Admit Advantage. Every year, eager college prospects, parents, and folks in admissions alike clamor for various reports on college rankings. With our insatiable need for statistics and superficial information overload, we review the lists for validation (Yes, our ivy-covered towers are still standing strong!), redemption (Fingers crossed, please let our ranking improve from last years abysmal standing!), or the recognition we so desperately crave (Look at us, look at us were an awesome school that youve just never heard of!). What I would suggest, however, is that you look at the college rankings in a different, more meaningful light: 1. Consider the information as merely one data point among many as you evaluate colleges; 2. Use the information to shed light on schools that were perhaps not previously on your radar; and 3. Read the articles that often accompany these lists rather than just perusing the statistics, as they often highlight interesting programs and opportunities at schools that would otherwise be missed in merely scanning the numbers. One Data Point in a Sea of Many The college selection process should be just that: a process. No one thing be it a particular class, professor, friend, parent, statistic, or coveted school ranking should be the single deciding factor in your school selections. Rather, multiple criteria should be used in aggregate to support the selection or dismissal of each school under consideration. Not all of your selection criteria should be considered equally, so this is something that each student must figure out for himself. Prioritize your college essentials based on what is most important to you. For some students, a specific major followed by a cultural climate of tolerance and location may be the driving forces behind his school selections. For others, the chance to conduct research on the undergraduate level, small class size, and Division I athletics may be the most important considerations. College rankings, be it from a trusted internet source or a traditional print publication, are only one metric of how well col leges and universities are doing across the country, not necessarily the most important and certainly not the only. See the Possibilities and Not Just the Obvious: Name Recognition is Not Everything! When I reach for a coveted report on college rankings and I flip through the pages to discover that Princeton is ranked number one with Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Stanford trailing closely behind, I can honestly say that Im not shocked. Nor, I suspect, are you. There are going to be lots of obvious choices on most college rankings lists, especially considering many of the standard metrics commonly used: peer assessments, faculty resources, yield, selectivity, and alumni giving. The top 20 schools on most best colleges lists are almost always easily recognized throughout America and the world, and aptly so, admission to one of these elite institutions will inevitably be difficult. But heres where I think the lists get more interesting, or at the very least, less predictable drop down into that 20 and above category and you might discover some of the lesser-known schools that may be the real gems. Consider a school like Case Western Reserve, an academic stronghold in Ohio with formidable programs in the Sciences and located in a cultural hub in Cleveland. Look to the north and discover Northeastern University, a school that both recognizes the value of real world experience and then requires students to go about developing some of it before graduation in their cooperative education program. Destined for a career as an engineer? Consider Rensselaer in New York, which offered admission to 44% of its applicants vs. a paltry 9% offered at the more widely known and prestigious MIT. I could pick and choose additional schools from a number of reputable sources that probably arent cracking anybodys top 20 list and use the next 10 pages to highlight why you might consi der them. The point is this: the more open you enter this evaluative process of colleges, the greater the possibility of discovering that the number of rich and rewarding programs being offered is almost endless. Dont Forget to Read the Articles: Yes, More Reading! As fascinating as a list (or a series of lists) might be, theyre still merely lists, and only so much useful information can be gleaned from them. Step back from the numbers and read some of the anecdotal stories provided by students highlighting their experiences and why they chose particular schools. Or read the pieces that challenge you, as the applicant, to do an assessment of your college, learning values, and priorities. Scan the articles about interesting majors and real-world experience that will help you land a job post-graduation. From year to year and publication to publication, the focus of these articles that accompany these lists will vary somewhat, but the topics will be relevant and encourage you to stay in the moment as you walk through the college selection and application process. VisitAdmit Advantagefor more information. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.